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Bass Name Meaning, Pronunciation, and History

Bass name meaning may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.


The meaning of the name "bass" is "a name of english origin that is derived from the middle english word 'bas' which means 'shallow' or 'low'. it could also be a surname derived from various locations called bass or from the old english word 'bæs' meaning 'bass, perch'.", and is used often for "primarily used as a surname, but can also be used as a given name for boys.".

a name of english origin that is derived from the middle english word 'bas' which means 'shallow' or 'low'. it could also be a surname derived from various locations called bass or from the old english word 'bæs' meaning 'bass, perch'.
Used for
primarily used as a surname, but can also be used as a given name for boys.

Bass Name Details

The name Bass has been in use for several centuries and can be traced back to Middle English and Old English origins. It has been used both as a surname and a given name. As a surname, it could have been adopted by families residing near places called Bass. As a given name, it has gained popularity over time.

Naadiya (nah-DEE-yah)
Udutha (oo-DOO-tha)
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Ajil (Aa-jil)
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